Gulper sharks captured for their liver oil and meat in deepwater shark fisheries off the Andaman Islands. Photo: Zoya Tyabli.

BURNABY (Canada)- One in seven species of deepwater sharks and rays are threatened with extinction due to overfishing, according to a new eight-year study released today in the journal Science. Specifically, the analysis found that sharks and rays are caught as incidental bycatch in fisheries targeting more commercially valuable species.Continue Reading

BRISBANE (AUSTRALIA)- The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory has announced steps for better protection of Scalopped and Great Hammerhead Sharks.  Fishery management controls around hammerhead sharks have been strengthened to help prevent them being listed as an endangered species. According to the government of the Australian State listing them asContinue Reading

It is one of the most amazing sharks of them all: the megamouth. A deep water shark with, as its name suggest, as huge impressive mouth. Japanese fishermen caught one as bycatch yesterday near the Mie Prefecture around three miles off the Owase Port. It is estimated the shark weighedContinue Reading

SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA)- It is one of the rarest, and possible strangest sharks around: the Goblin shark. The Australian museum in Sydney has dissected one and put it on video. The goblin shark, known as  “alien of the deep” was found off Green Cape, Australia and delivered to the museum which Tuesday showedContinue Reading

LAKES ENTRANCE (AUSTRALIA)- It is not a shark which is often seen: the prehistoric looking frilled shark. Fishermen off southeastern Victoria, Australia caught one on their trawler near Lakes Entrance in the state’s Gippsland region. The frilled shark is hardly ever seen, regarded as a living fossil and has anContinue Reading