HALIFAX (CANADA)- One endangered species endangers another species. In the cold Gulf of St. Lawrence researchers saw the eels they were tracking and studying disappear before they were able to see where they would go to spawn. Turns out that porbeagle sharks ate the unfortunate research objects. The researchers, asContinue Reading

PALM BEACH (USA)- The beaches at Palm Beach, Florida, are closed for swimmers due to a phenomenon that is seen each year: the migration of thousands of sharks along the shorelines. At Midtown Beach local fishermen grabbed their chance to easily catch some big ones from the beach. Luckily, theyContinue Reading

NASSAU (BAHAMAS)- Research indicated that although their reputation for being open ocean dwellers oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus ) spend most of their lives in a certain area. In the case of a research by an US-led team of marine biologists, the Bahamas. The researchers also found that the sharks spent about 68 percentContinue Reading

  HAMILTON (BERMUDA)- Mary Lee, a 16ft, 3,456lbs great white shark, is a celebrity on the internet by now. Ocearch has been tracking the big fish since it was first tagged off the coast of Cape Cod (northeast coast USA) last September. Where the shark is swimming can be seenContinue Reading

NEW YORK CITY (USA)- Even close to one of the biggest cities in the world great whites are found. A surfer of Rockaway Beach in the borough of Queens was shocked to see a photo he took while surfing. A fully-grown, great white shark had passed under his feet while he was ridingContinue Reading