Hammerhead sharks are the strange-looking ones. They look like someone grabbed their skull by the eye sockets and stretched their heads out sideways, while the rest of their bodies look like those of a normal shark. Article by Gavin Naylor. You might wonder – what are the advantages of havingContinue Reading

LA PAZ (MEXICO)- Every year the Mexican fishing industry catches thousands of tons of hammerheads a year. And every three years 300,000 pounds of hammerhead shark fins are being exported from the Central American country. While internationally hammerhead sharks are are recognized for urgent protection, in Mexico they are still notContinue Reading

COCOS ISLANDS (COSTA RICA)- Scientists have discovered a 500-mile-long “shark highway” right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, leading sharks, turtles and other marine animals from the Costa Rican Cocos Islands to the Galapagos Islands. They plan to turn it into a protected wildlife corridor in the ocean. TheContinue Reading

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS (ECUADOR)- In the waters surrounding the remote archipelago of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuadorian scientists has discovered a hammerhead shark nursery where they have been born and sheltered for nearly a million years. The Galapagos Islands lie in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers off SouthContinue Reading

MIAMI (USA)- An important first step was taken towards the regional protection of sharks throughout the Caribbean. At the request of the Netherlands, regional governments last week recommended eight species of sharks and rays for protection under the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Protocol.  Delegates from 14 Caribbean countriesContinue Reading

CANBERRA (AUSTRALIA)- The Australian government is, according to The Guardian, submitting a “reservation” against three species of thresher shark and two species of hammerhead shark listed as protected migratory species under the UN-administered convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals. The five types of shark were amongContinue Reading