JACKSONVILLE (USA)- The first great white in the waters off the southern state of Florida was caught and tagged by Ocearch researchers. She weighs 2,000lbs, is 14ft 6in long and her Florida guardians have called her Lydia. The great white shark with the unassuming name was hauled on deck for 15Continue Reading

HALIFAX (CANADA)- One endangered species endangers another species. In the cold Gulf of St. Lawrence researchers saw the eels they were tracking and studying disappear before they were able to see where they would go to spawn. Turns out that porbeagle sharks ate the unfortunate research objects. The researchers, asContinue Reading

BANGKOK (THAILAND)- After reporting yesterday here on Sharknewz.com that the Ocean Whitetip will  be more protected, two more speciess of critically endangered but commercially valuable shark have been given added protection at the Cites meeting in Bangkok. The Porbeagle and three varieties of Hammerhead sharks. Shark conservationists worldwide hailed the move asContinue Reading

BANGKOK (THAILAND)- A majority of delegates at the Cites conservation meeting in Bangkok have voted to extend the protection of the threatened oceanic whitetip shark. The species have seen its numbers decline dramatically in recent years because of overfishing for fins. Historical Campaigners said the move to record and regulateContinue Reading

PALM BEACH (USA)- The beaches at Palm Beach, Florida, are closed for swimmers due to a phenomenon that is seen each year: the migration of thousands of sharks along the shorelines. At Midtown Beach local fishermen grabbed their chance to easily catch some big ones from the beach. Luckily, theyContinue Reading

AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND)- A New Zealand man has been attacked and killed Wednesday by a great white shark in a rare fatal shark at Muriwai beach, north-west of Auckland. Fatal attack Police said they fired shots at the shark after a swimmer was fatally bitten on Wednesday at Muriwai beach,Continue Reading