UTRECHT (THE NETHERLANDS)- As hurricane season in the North Atlantic is under way, marine biologists in The Telegraph reveal details of how sharks behave during adverse weather. Like other fish sharks detect disturbances in the water, which cause changes in water pressure, allowing them to detect threats or prey.In sharksContinue Reading

CHATHAM,(USA)- Less great white sharks seem to visit the waters off Cape Cod this year. That’s what the researchers of Ocearch learned. In 2012 they tagged 17 great whites. Only 3 of those have returned this year. Ocearch has started a Shark Search to learn more about these great predatorsContinue Reading

ISLE OF SKYE (SCOTLAND)- A new research program tracks basking sharks of the west coast of Scotland. This region is a hotspot for the great gentle giants of these cold waters. The data will be used for the assessment of the region as a potential marine reserve. Basking sharks appearContinue Reading

PERTH (AUSTRALIA)- A company called Shark Attack Mitigation Systems (SAMS) and the University of Western Australia scientists together have been working to protect swimmers, surfers and divers from getting attacked on with a line of shark-deterring wet suits. Colorblind One version, “Elude,” camouflages the wearer in the water, based on the recentContinue Reading

PACIFIC GROVE (USA)- Researchers at the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove said they have discovered that great white sharks store oil in their liver and then deplete it as they travel monumental distances. Where the sharks go is pretty well documented thanks to all the tagging programs. But howContinue Reading

TOKYO (JAPAN)- The Greenland shark has been titled the slowest shark of the world, not reaching more cruising speed than one mile per hour. Yet they feed on seals. Scientists think the sharks sneak up on seals that sleep under water. The National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo haveContinue Reading

SARASOTA (USA)- Too many incidents with sharks are being called ‘attacks’. That’s misleading. Scientists from the US and Australia propose a new classification to support more accurate reporting of shark-human interactions. Shark Attack Capital Florida is often called the “Shark Attack Capital of the World.” But that’s very misleading,” saidContinue Reading