AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND)- Air New Zealand is the the latest airline to stop flying shipments of shark’s fin to Hong Kong, the shark’s fin capital of the world. The decision came about after the New Zealand Shark Alliance revealed the airline’s shipments in local media. Earlier, other airlines did theContinue Reading

HONG KONG (CHINA)- Air Pacific, soon to be Fiji Air, has been accused by environmentalist groups of of being one of the world’s major carriers of shark fins into Hong Kong. The airline profiles itself as ‘shark friendly’. Campaigners claim that the airline carries shark fins as cargo on its passengerContinue Reading

GUJARAT (INDIA)- Through the SharkNewz Daily I stumbled upon this shocking video on the slaughter of whale sharks off the Indian coast. It is a shortened version of the award-winning film ‘Shores of Silence’. This film moved the government of India into bringing in legislation and banning the killing of theContinue Reading

BANGKOK (Thailand)- A group of 23 luxury hotels in the Thai capital of Bangkok have pledged to ban shark fin soup. As part of a campaign to halt the decline of shark populations they signed up to a so-called “blue list”, promoting Thai hotels that don’t serve shark fin soup.Continue Reading

BANGKOK (THAILAND)- After reporting yesterday here on that the Ocean Whitetip will  be more protected, two more speciess of critically endangered but commercially valuable shark have been given added protection at the Cites meeting in Bangkok. The Porbeagle and three varieties of Hammerhead sharks. Shark conservationists worldwide hailed the move asContinue Reading

BANGKOK (THAILAND)- A majority of delegates at the Cites conservation meeting in Bangkok have voted to extend the protection of the threatened oceanic whitetip shark. The species have seen its numbers decline dramatically in recent years because of overfishing for fins. Historical Campaigners said the move to record and regulateContinue Reading

INHAMBANE (MOZAMBIQUE)- The Mozambiqe coastline is devastated because of the Chines appetite for shark fin soup. Mantas and hammerhead sharks will disappear from this divers’ paradise if the plunder isn’t stopped. Read more in this impressive piece by David Smith at The Guardian. Tweet