NASSAU (BAHAMAS)- Over the last hundred years, human activity has caused a large increase in metals and metalloids entering the marine environment, posing potential risks to biodiversity and food security. Beneath the Waves evaluated muscle tissues of 36 individual sharks from six species. The research team provides the first accountContinue Reading

Whale shark. Photo: Matthew T. Rader/Unsplash.

NOSY BE (MADAGASCAR)- Could the island of Nosy Be, off western Madagascar be a new global hotspot for endangered whale sharks? Recent satellite tag-data from research suggests this as possibility. That the whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) live in these waters is no secret. They are routinely sighted off the northwest coastContinue Reading

FORT LAUDERDALE (USA)- Most of the 10 species of Hammerhead sharks are severely overfished worldwide for their fins and in need of urgent protection to prevent their extinction. To learn more about a declining hammerhead species that is data poor but in need of conservation efforts, a team of researchers from NovaContinue Reading