NELSON (NEW ZEALAND)- A video of a blue shark eating a smaller shark off the line of which is just got caught by some fishermen has gone viral worldwide over the past holidays. The video is believed to have been shot in Tasman Bay near Nelson, on New Zealand’s South Island. AContinue Reading

AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND)- A group of friends fishing off Auckland’s Waiheke Island last sunday spotted a 3m-long bronze whaler shark about 50 meters off shore.  The bronze whaler was seen in Matiatia Bay while the fishermen were filleting snapper on the back of a 4.7m runabout at the end ofContinue Reading

OTTAWA (CANADA)- Friends of Hector have started a petition to urge Canada into protecting the endangered porbeagle sharks. It is the only country on the Atlantic ocean directly targeting this shark and is allowing thousands to be caught as ‘bycatch’ in fisheries for other fish. Over 17.000 people signed already.Continue Reading

SEASPRAY (AUSTRALIA)- An Australian man wrestling to get a washed up great white shark back into the water, is the latest shark viral on internet. Over two million viewers watched it on YouTube.  The man who is filmed tugging at the tail of what he says is a Great White,Continue Reading