Of all sharks, the bull shark has always been one of the most intriguing to me. It is found thousands of miles upstream in rivers and lakes and is one of the fiercest species around. But mainly because I’ve never seen one. I have been out on dive sites expectingContinue Reading

HONG KONG (CHINA)- Air Pacific, soon to be Fiji Air, has been accused by environmentalist groups of of being one of the world’s major carriers of shark fins into Hong Kong. The airline profiles itself as ‘shark friendly’. Campaigners claim that the airline carries shark fins as cargo on its passengerContinue Reading

NUKULUA (FIJI)- About 50 dead juvenile sharks washed ashore on Nukulau, Fiji. It is believed that they could be the unborn pups of a pregnant female Hammerhead that was killed at sea. Another cruel proof of the terrible trade called shark finning. According to internationally recognised shark expert Dr DemianContinue Reading