European fishermen, divers, scientist and chefs join forces to protect Mediterranean sharks
With partners from Croatia, France and Italy, a new project started recently to protect Mediterranean sharks and rays, by far the most endangered group of marine fish in Europe. In the LIFE European Sharks project fishers, fisheries officers, SCUBA divers, aquariums, and restaurant chefs wrk together to safeguard these species. LeadContinue Reading
Documentary Sharks: Older Than Trees released online
GENEVA (Switzerland)- The Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) has released the film ‘Sharks: Older Than Trees online. The story is about shark scientist Dr James Lea, a field biologist deeply committed to a hopeful future for sharks and rays. Viewers can stream the film for free on YouTube, journeying with LeaContinue Reading
Resting grey reef sharks change what we know about how their breathing
VICTORIA (SEYCHELLES)- A first report of grey reef sharks resting under reef ledges in Seychelles, by Save Our Seas researchers changes what we know about how they breathe (they don’t need to swim continuously to stay alive) – and re-opens the case for the science of sleeping sharks. Predators inContinue Reading
The secret lives of silky sharks: unveiling their whereabouts supports their protection
PERTH (Australia)- Open ocean sharks are elusive and mysterious. They undertake vast journeys that span hundreds to thousands of kilometres across immense ocean basins. We know very little about the secret lives of ocean sharks, where they live and why they are there. Like silky sharks. By Shona Murray, The UniversityContinue Reading
Breakthrough: Scientists sequence the genomes of endangered sharks
GENEVA (Switzerland)- Scientists have sequenced the genomes of two endangered sharks. Low genetic diversity and signs of inbreeding ring alarm bells for great hammerheads, but there may be hope for shortfin makos that showed higher genetic diversity and limited inbreeding. The first chromosome level genome sequences for great hammerhead andContinue Reading
How do sharks react when released?
How do sharks and tuna react to being caught by hook-and-line and then released? Well, they swim twice as fast as their normal cruising speed, according tot researchers at The Royal Society. Sharks and tuna normally swim at elevated speeds relative to cruising speeds only during strenuous activity, such asContinue Reading
How you can help protect sharks – and what doesn’t work
PHOENIX (USA)- Sharks are some of the most ecologically important and most threatened animals on Earth. Recent reports show that up to one-third of all known species of sharks and their relatives, rays, are threatened with extinction. Unsustainable overfishing is the biggest threat by far. Losing sharks can disrupt coastal foodContinue Reading