HONOLULU (HAWAII)- Yesterday a woman was bitten in her upper torso by a shark while enjoying a morning swim in the waters off the Hawaii island of Maui. Swimming She was swimming about 30 feet from the shore of the rocky point at Ulua Beach Park when the shark grabbedContinue Reading

PERTH (AUSTRALIA)- A company called Shark Attack Mitigation Systems (SAMS) and the University of Western Australia scientists together have been working to protect swimmers, surfers and divers from getting attacked on with a line of shark-deterring wet suits. Colorblind One version, “Elude,” camouflages the wearer in the water, based on the recentContinue Reading

SARASOTA (USA)- Too many incidents with sharks are being called ‘attacks’. That’s misleading. Scientists from the US and Australia propose a new classification to support more accurate reporting of shark-human interactions. Shark Attack Capital Florida is often called the “Shark Attack Capital of the World.” But that’s very misleading,” saidContinue Reading