LA PAZ (MEXICO)- Every year the Mexican fishing industry catches thousands of tons of hammerheads a year. And every three years 300,000 pounds of hammerhead shark fins are being exported from the Central American country. While internationally hammerhead sharks are are recognized for urgent protection, in Mexico they are still notContinue Reading

Of all sharks, the bull shark has always been one of the most intriguing to me. It is found thousands of miles upstream in rivers and lakes and is one of the fiercest species around. But mainly because I’ve never seen one. I have been out on dive sites expectingContinue Reading

GUADELUPE ISLAND (MEXICO)- Researchers have for the first time found hard evidence that the small cookiecutter sharks go after one of the world’s most fearsome predators, the great white. One of the world’s smallest sharks, they have been known to prey on a wide variety of marine animals, including swordfish,Continue Reading